Doc South Show

Doc South Show


May 14, 2014

Actually, it was a pretty good show.  Chris Curran and David Deutsch have been doing this show called Social Media Unscrambled for some time now.  You can hear it Monday afternoons at 1:30 pm on Fractal Stream.  That’s Chris’s internet radio station.   I believe you can also Google Social Media Unscrambled.  In it, they discuss the latest and greatest trends and tips concerning social media.  In any case, I was there and they did their best to explain Social Media to me.  I may have inspired them to start figuring out how to get old folks like me to understand computers.  Even now, now that their heads have stopped spinning, I’m sure there’s a closed door planning meeting taking place somewhere with lots of coffee.  Dave would talk about something I could do with my smart phone.  Chris would interrupt him for a second and ask, “Doc, do you have a smart phone?”  Well, you know my answer.  “No”  Dave would go on, “Alright, well, then you can always send a link to…..”   Chris would put up his hand.  “Doc, What’s a link?”   “Well ummmm.  ahhhh.  ehhh. Not sure”  Oh they’ve got to be working on yet another show even as you read this.  Frankly, I think it will be yet another great show too.  You can thank me now.