Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans

Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans

Latest Episodes

Deployment Hiatus - Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans
January 02, 2018

Well folks, I'll be out of the country for a couple months. Gotta do a quick deployment thingy.... Catch you on the flip side!

Christmas: DLM007 - Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans
December 26, 2017

The holidays, exercise and sports, taxes, and federal vs. state governments.

Divorce and the Rocky Mountains: DLM006 - Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans
December 17, 2017

Matt talks about visiting his kids, and how Colorado is awesome but divorce is pretty lame.

Drunky Matt isn’t in the best mood: DLM005 - Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans
December 03, 2017

Matt had a couple drinks and isn't feeling super hot. When that happens, it's easy to ask yourself questions like what am I doing with myself? Where am I going? What is the point here?

DPRK: DLM004 - Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans
November 29, 2017

Matt spends a few minutes talking about the current situation in North Korea, and what that means to someone who lived in South Korea for 2 years.

Paratrooper Thanksgiving: DLM003 - Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans
November 27, 2017

Matt talks on Thanksgiving and it's crazy origins, plus on being a Paratrooper and paying attention to detail.

Vegan: DLM002 - Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans
November 26, 2017

Matt talks a bit about being a vegan, or eating a plant based diet rather, and his motivations for making this decision.

Intro show: DLM001 - Don't Label Me: A Show for Humans
November 24, 2017

Don't label me's host Matt talk a little about himself and where he would like to see this podcast go in the future.

Episode 01
November 19, 2017

An introduction