Wise & Worthy, Thriving After Divorce

Wise & Worthy, Thriving After Divorce

Handling Financial Assets with Stacy Francis

April 18, 2023

Being able to handle financial assets in a divorce – knowing what the retirement accounts are and how they should be split, is an essential part of the divorce process. But if you aren’t the spouse who normally handles the financials – or even if you are, how do you know accounts aren’t falling through the cracks? Or that you aren’t leaving crucial retirement money on the table?

In this week’s episode of the Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle Podcast, I am so glad to be joined by my guest Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA®, CES™. Stacy is the President and CEO of Francis Financial, a fee-only boutique wealth management, financial planning and divorce financial planning firm dedicated to providing ongoing comprehensive advice for successful individuals, couples, and women in transition such as divorce or widowhood. Stacy is also the founder of the non-profit, Savvy Ladies™.