Wise & Worthy, Thriving After Divorce

Wise & Worthy, Thriving After Divorce

Preparing For Your Divorce, Whether You Wanted It or Not with Christine Joy Luck Sarno

July 12, 2023

When a marriage ends, the person who makes the decision to get divorced matters. The person who makes the decision gets an emotional head start and has more information ahead of the other partner. When a partner tells you that they want a divorce, this can be really challenging. You may go into the fright, flight, or freeze mode. This is especially challenging if the divorce request seems to have come out of left field.

In this episode of Divorce & Other Things You Can Handle, financial coach Christine Joy Luck Sarno discusses how to prepare for a divorce, emotionally and financially, whether or not you were the spouse who wanted the divorce or asked for the divorce. Christine is a licensed financial advisor who realized her passion was helping her clients became informed and confident stewards of their own money. Listen to our discussion now.