Disruption Now

Disruption Now

Latest Episodes

EP: 31 - Dawn Dickson: Breaking Barriers In Tech
August 07, 2019

Dawn Dickson Founder & CEO of PopCom. Dawn W. Dickson is a serial entrepreneur with over 16 years of experience in marketing and business development. Dickson is a strong passionate black woman and a leader in technology and entrepreneurship. She launched

EP: 30 - Trauma and the Inhumane Treatment of Migrants
July 31, 2019

On the last day of minority mental health month, we discuss the collective traumatic impact of Trump’s inhumane treatment of migrant families on the border. Disruption Now is joined by Dr. Maria Espinola, a licensed clinical psychologist and assistant pro

EP: 29 - Marc Morial: State of the Black Union
July 24, 2019

Marc Morial- on the state of the black union. According to Marc Morial President of the Urban League our democracy is under attack. The right to vote is being attacked like never before since the passage of the Voting Rights Act. He blames a trio on attac

EP:28 - Samara Rivers: Creating a seat for Black Bourbon Drinkers
July 17, 2019

Samara Rivers is the Founder + CEO of Black Bourbon Society, an organization making the bourbon world a more diverse, inclusive place. Through educational events, meetups and creative content, she works to bridge the gap between African American bourbon e

EP: 27 - Mental Health & Trauma in the Black Community
July 10, 2019

Taraji P. Henson testified to the Congressional Black Caucus how lack of mental health awareness is killing our communities. "We, in the African American community, we don't deal with mental health issues. We don't even talk about it. We've been taught to

EP: 26 -July 4th, Betsy Ross & Privilege
July 08, 2019

While some used their July 4 weekend to celebrate the independence of this nation, some people were engaged in their own stupidity and privilege. From #notmyarial and folks outraged about Betsy Ross flags on some sneakers they weren’t going to by anyway.

EP: 25 - Robert Greene On the Power of Human Nature
July 03, 2019

Robert Greene is the author of five New York Times best sellers: Greene is known for his books on strategy, power, and seduction. He has written five international bestsellers: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, the 50t

EP: 24 - Kyle Kashuv: Harvard Rejects a Racist Conservatives Cry Foul
June 26, 2019

Kyle Kashuv a survivor of the mass shooting at Parkland, had his admission to Harvard University rescinded after private racist remarks from his past emerged. Many conservatives cried fouled that Kashuv was targeted due to his conservative politics. Kashu

EP: 23 - Obama = Reparations?
June 20, 2019

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says you got a black President that is your Reparations. Really? We discuss the history of Reparations and why their is a resurgence in the topic this current political environment.

EP: 22 - Governor Deval Patrick: Breaking Barriers
June 19, 2019

Deval Laurdine Patrick is one of only 2 African-Americans to ever be elected governor in the United States. Born and raised by a single mother on the South Side of Chicago, Patrick earned a scholarship to Milton Academy in Massachusetts in the eighth grad