Discussions with Dao

Discussions with Dao

Master Ballers: Unjust Comparisons

September 01, 2014

Judging your life based on others…

Sweet chiptune theme courtesy of RemoteIslandSyndrome.


“If you have your health, you have like 90% of what counts for life.” – BB #MasterBallers #Truthy

— Jon Dao (@CommDao) August 30, 2014

“You can use the people who’re ahead of you as models or write them off as cheaters.” #MasterBallers #namaste

— Jon Dao (@CommDao) August 30, 2014


“It’s temping to look at the gym leader’s Pokemon and be intimidated by their level. But sometimes those gym leaders teach those Pokemon crappy moves. ”

“I was comparing my Pokemon to his, but we’d gone through different situations. He had gone through and figured out how to do the rare candy cheat. He acquired gains through a process I hadn’t been exposed to. It seemed like he was that much further ahead, but once I figured out that trick, then I was also able to get to the same point.”


Why Generation Y Yuppies are Unhappy

Thanks for listening!

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