

Getting Discomfortable with Susan Campbell

January 10, 2022
Susan Campbell

In Episode 92, I interview clinical psychologist and best-selling author Susan Campbell. I first heard about Susan because of her book Getting Real, which was one of the founding texts in the Authentic Relating (AR) movement (AR has been such a useful practice on my journey of learning to talk about shame, I did an episode about my earliest impressions of AR here).

Susan recently released her latest book, From Triggered to Tranquil, which teaches readers how to deal with the emotional reactivity that so often hijacks our rational brains. I think learning how to spot and manage our emotional triggers—the landmines leftover from past trauma—is one of the most important self-awareness and interpersonal toolsets one can master. Susan’s latest book demystifies this complex and powerful force with simplicity and clarity, tackling a variety of diverse triggering situations, from personal, to relational, to group dynamics—highly recommended!

In the interview, Susan mentions a call she was about to lead on bridging the gap in the COVID vaccine debate (easily one of the most triggering topics out there right now), you can check out the recording of that call on YouTube here.

Picture of Susan CampbellSusan does coaching, training, and workshops, including free monthly group coaching calls. You can connect with Susan and learn more about her work on her website, her YouTube channel, Twitter, or sign up for her informative newsletter.

Note: this interview was edited for interest and clarity.