Disability Visibility

Ep 82: Americans with Disabilities Act
Today is July 26, 2020 and in the United States it is the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as the ADA. I’m much more comfortable asking questions, but I’m gonna share my personal story with you all on this occasion in this interview by my friend Rochelle Kwan. The tables are turned! Rochelle is the Community Producer for the podcast Self Evident and the storytelling team lead at Think!Chinatown, a community organization based in New York City Chinatown. I first met Rochelle when she worked at StoryCorps and we immediately bonded about Lunar New Year festivities and dumplings. You’ll hear about my early years, the influence of the ADA on my life, my thoughts about the future of accessibility, and more. Disability Visibility is a production of the Disability Visibility Project, an online community dedicated to recording, amplifying, and sharing disability media and culture. Text transcripts and links for each episode are available at: https://disabilityvisibilityproject.com/podcast-2/ Twitter: @DisVisibility Support this podcast: patreon.com/DVP