The DIP: Daily Inspirational Podcast

The DIP: Daily Inspirational Podcast

DIP Episode #32: Will the Pain Go Away?

February 23, 2020

It’s been said that life does not happen to us but rather for us.  If you embrace this statement, then it’s probable that you'll be in control of your life. If not, life can seem hopeless.  Life is not trying to screw you. It just happens and you are its’ guest.  You get to make the events of life mean anything you want. This is the understanding behind the statement life happens for us. Life will provide countless events for which your brain has to formulate a meaning. When things are going well, it’s easy to celebrate. When heavy emotional or physical pain hit (like a kidney stone), that’s when the real growth happens.  You are destined to experience the low points of life.  In these moments, with the right mindset, you can develop the wisdom necessary to navigate life’s treacherous landscape and experience consistent happiness. In the difficult moments, remind yourself that you can handle anything and that this too shall pass!