Digital Business Acceleration Podcast

Digital Business Acceleration Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 52: Final Episode – We’re Leveling Up! Are You Coming with Us?
September 04, 2020

Since Day 1 of this pandemic, people have been scrambling to get online because that’s where the money is. Well, we knew that when we started this podcast 52 weeks ago! Yup, it’s been a whole year since episode 1, and in that time,

Episode 51: Get That Money, Honey! – Our Favorite Shopping Carts for Your Digital Business
August 25, 2020

A big part of making money online is taking money online, and that requires an e-commerce solution whether its a simple buy button, a shopping cart, or a full-blown online store. But there are hund

Episode 51: Get That Money, Honey! – Our Favorite Shopping Carts for Your Digital Business
August 25, 2020

A big part of making money online is taking money online, and that requires an e-commerce solution – whether it’s a simple buy button, a shopping cart, or a full-blown online store. But there are hundreds of those available,

Episode 50: The Digital Transformation – It’s Time to Join In and Level Up!
August 19, 2020

Have you noticed the shift thats been happening? Because of the pandemic and thanks to smartphones and fast internet access more and more of our interaction is happening online (although its bee

Episode 50: The Digital Transformation – It’s Time to Join In and Level Up!
August 19, 2020

Have you noticed the shift that’s been happening? Because of the pandemic – and thanks to smartphones and fast internet access – more and more of our interaction is happening online (although it’s been like that for a while now,

Episode 49: Blocked, Suspended, and Upended – The Problem with Building Your Business on Facebook
August 11, 2020

If your business is dependent on Facebook groups, were here to tell you that: 1) youve built your business out of straw, and 2) its just waiting for the Big Bad Wolf to come blow it down. Were not

Episode 49: Blocked, Suspended, and Upended – The Problem with Building Your Business on Facebook
August 11, 2020

If your business is dependent on Facebook groups, we’re here to tell you that: 1) you’ve built your business out of straw, and 2) it’s just waiting for the Big Bad Wolf to come blow it down. We’re not

Episode 48: Do Your Marketing Messages Match Up?
August 04, 2020

Listen in and hear about: why its essential that you start with just one thing, the ways people mix their messages online, why your customers need to hear your story, how you serve the world by being

Episode 48: Do Your Marketing Messages Match Up?
August 04, 2020

We see it often and a lot… people who are doing all the right things – blogging or podcasting, posting on social media, and have a nice website – but they aren’t making any sales because they’re confu

Episode 47: Real Answers to Your Marketing Questions – Part 3
July 29, 2020

In this episode, were finishing up our marketing challenges Q + A series with some laser coaching for our listeners who are challenged by: narrowing the focus of their business, reaching their target
