Digital Tells A BioCatch Podcast

Digital Tells A BioCatch Podcast

Discovering Behavioral Biometrics

October 04, 2021

The inaugural episode of Digital Tells: A BioCatch Podcast explores the origins of behavioral biometrics with BioCatch founder Uri Rivner and Chairman and CEO Howard Edelstein. The episode begins with host Peter Beardmore’s visits with his elderly mother and aunt, both having recently been targeted by scammers. Their stories illustrate the prevalence of cybercrime and scams throughout society, and the need for innovative solutions to help protect consumers and financial institutions alike.

The concept of technology that can use the ‘Digital Tells’ of online behavior (mouse movements, typing habits, etc.) to validate users or determine fraudulent intent may seem like the stuff of science fiction. In fact, it initially did to some of the leaders of BioCatch. But today, it’s real, preventing over 6 million fraud incidents per year and protecting hundreds of millions of people.
