Digital Subrat Audio Experience

Digital Subrat Audio Experience

Latest Episodes

NO GOAL, NO LIFE IS WRONG - 4th Episode - Get out of Comfort Zone by Subrat
March 29, 2020

Hello, I am Subrat a Mechanical Engineer turned Entrepreneur and in this episode i am going to reveal the best and easy easy to get out of the comfort zone. If you want to read about this episode you can check out my blog post here - https://digitalsubrat

NO GOAL, NO LIFE IS WRONG - 3rd Episode - Get out of Comfort Zone by Subrat
March 28, 2020

Hello my name is Subrat. I am a Mechanical Engineer turned Entrepreneur and in this episode, I will be talking about how to prepare yourself to get out of the comfort zone

NO GOAL, NO LIFE IS WRONG - 2nd Episode - Which Path is Correct?
March 27, 2020

Hello my name is Subrat. I am a Mechanical Engineer turned Entrepreneur and in this episode I am going to talk about how to choose from various options available in your life. You can also checkout my blog post for this podcast - https://digitalsubrat.blo

NO GOAL, NO LIFE IS WRONG Series by Subrat - 1st Episode - Do you know your Goal?
March 26, 2020

Hello guys, my name is Subrat and till this corona pandemic situation ends, I will be guiding you how to find your goal and also use time management to your best to fulfill your purpose. You can also read this podcast you my blogspot. This is the link - h