Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

Beyond Brand Mentions with Angeley Mullins from Latana

July 15, 2022

It’s no easy task connecting your brand to a targeted demographic without the right tools.

That’s where the power of target market research and data analytics comes in!

In this episode, we’ll talk to Angeley Mullins, CMO & CGO at Latana Brand Tracking.

With more than 18 years of experience in growing companies and markets, Angeley has been successful in partnering with CEOs, Founders, & Investors to grow their companies as well as established Corporate Leaders expanding their organizations into international markets.

As a Marketing & Commercial Leader, Angeley’s expertise spans both E-commerce & SaaS ( launching & growing business) leading Commercial Divisions including Marketing, Sales, Product, Customer Success, Sales, & Operations.

She specializes in growing leaders and departments in addition to achieving commercial growth.

Discovering the demographic for your brand is just the tip of the marketing iceberg.

It’s all about building the best relationship between your brand and your audience.

Brand Tracking 101: Going Beyond Mentions with Angeley Mullins from Latana

We’ll be taking a look at why branding is so important for a company and the process of building the right brand strategy.

What’s on the agenda?
  • Establishing and implementing a brand.

  • What is brand tracking?

  • What is the relationship between a brand and its audience?

  • How can a brand take action to make better marketing solutions?

  • How does Latana (and to a greater extent how does Brand Tracking) work?

  • How does Latana differ from other Brand Tracking solutions?
Establishing and Implementing a brand

Developing and putting into practice a unified branding strategy is frequently done after the fact, or not at all, for many firms.

Establishing Brands

You need to get the answers to a few important questions before investing any time in branding.

  • Are consumers familiar with your brand?

  • How do others view you in the marketplace?

  • How do clients see your company in comparison to rivals?

  • What traits do consumers connect your brand with?

Latana, with a mobile optimized survey and machine learning process, can help you know your brand worth and which demographics you should target for the effectiveness of campaigns.

What is Brand Tracking?

Brand tracking is the process of continuously assessing the health of your brand over time.

It gives you a way to discover what your target markets believe about your company and how they react to your brand messaging.

But brand tracking offers more than just information on consumer reaction to your brand.

Brand Tracking

It also enables you to track competing brands, compare your brand success across markets, find new markets or target audiences, and even identify ones that aren’t performing.

Brand performance has historically been difficult to precisely measure.

However, it is possible (and highly recommended) to simply track your brand health and performance using the correct tools and KPIs that are now readily available.

What is the relationship between a brand and its audience?

Develop genuine connections with your audience by using emotional branding.

Understanding your target market’s problems or what your product or brand is doing for them will help you use emotional branding to connect with your audience.

Brand Relationship

What value you are bringing to them and how, in some manner, do you improve their life?

With this kind of marketing, you can tailor a brand to the interests and demands of your target market, giving your customers the chance to become familiar with your goods while also developing an emotional bond with your company.

How can a brand take action to make better marketing solutions?Marketing Solutions

To ensure your marketing solutions are effective and efficient, your brand can:

  1. Discover the purpose

  2. Determine target audience

  3. Outline the key qualities & benefits your brand offers

  4. Build a brand story and messaging.
How does Latana (and to a greater extent how does Brand Tracking) work?

Brands can reliably measure the marketing campaigns and use Latana Dashboard for insights to increase brand awareness over time.

Latana - Brand Tracking

With Latana, you can create an easy-to-use and customizable dashboard where you can explore brand data and build audiences.

Furthermore, you can make marketing decisions based on data improved by an algorithm that uses audience characteristics to ensure quality and accuracy.

How does Latana differ from other Brand Tracking solutions?

With the help of Latana, you can be the brand your target audience wants to see.

Latana helps you to measure brand awareness and understand how your marketing campaigns are impacting your target audience.

Latana - How it is different from others?

Furthermore, your brand can track specific campaigns over time to prove campaign impact. You can also add competitor tracking to monitor the performance of competing brands.

Latana allows you to explore brand strategy by pinpointing new areas for growth. Within the data, it is easy to immediately identify new audiences positively impacted by your campaign and to what extent.

That’s a wrap!

We would like to thank Angeley Mullins.

Thank you!

With more than 18 years of experience in growing companies and markets, Angeley has been successful in partnering with CEOs, Founders, & Investors to grow their companies as well as established Corporate Leaders expanding their organizations into international markets.

As a Marketing & Commercial Leader, Angeley’s expertise spans both E-commerce & SaaS ( launching & growing business) leading Commercial Divisions including Marketing, Sales, Product, Customer Success, Sales, & Operations.

She specializes in growing leaders and departments in addition to achieving commercial growth.

The post Beyond Brand Mentions with Angeley Mullins from Latana first appeared on Digital Marketing for Growing Businesses by Honeypot Marketing.