Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

How to Create Effective Content Marketing Machines

March 01, 2021

This week we're breaking down how to create effective content marketing machines and how to repurpose content! We'll be dissecting a single piece of evergreen content and repurposing it in some fun and creative ways!

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What's New?
This week we have some interesting news in the worlds of Google Search and Influencer marketing. Check out these articles for more info!

How Influencer Marketing Will Evolve as Gen Zs Sway Grows - The latest evolution of influencer marketing may see brands approach already loyal customers and give them incentives to partner on social content, a new CreatorIQ report forecasts. Read on!

Google Search May Be Showing Featured Snippets Less Often - Starting around February 18, 2021, Google seems to be showing fewer featured snippet results on the search results page. Most, if not all, of the tools that track the Google search results, show significant declines in featured snippets showing up.
What's Working?
If you're not using cornerstone content to deliver ongoing growth, there is a good chance that you're missing out on valuable search traffic.

When it comes to powering organic search growth, not all types of content can contribute to success in the same way. That's why it's always a good idea to diversify!

Your consumers are all different, and thus, will respond and absorb content in their own ways.

And think about the hard work you put in to make that great content. You don't want it to get buried! Repurposing that content helps it continue to be relevant long past its publication date.

So, let's dig into how to repurpose content!

Creating Cornerstone or Anchor Content
Cornerstone or Anchor content usually forms the backbone of a successful strategy and is perfect when considering how to repurpose content.

There are always people wanting to consume content around these topics.

The information in cornerstone content pieces is always fresh for readers looking to answer a question or learn more.

This is an example of taking a single piece of content and breaking it into multiple different types of content pieces.

There are hundreds of nuggets from your existing content that you can take from it to create fresh content pieces.

The same content can be used in several different ways, giving your consumers a refresher while presenting it in a new and fun way.

The list of possible types of anchor content is large; some great ones include:

* How-To Guides
* Tips
* Interviews
* FAQs

Our Live at the Hive weekly streams are a great example, and we'll use one as an example throughout this blog.

First, we create a presentation that can be given to our audience as a pdf slide deck.
