Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

Creative Business & Marketing Tactics That Can Make Your Business Stand Out In Uncertain Times

September 21, 2020

This week Dan and the Bees look at creative business and marketing tactics that can make your business stand out in uncertain times. We're quickly getting closer to the holidays, and now is the time to get prepared for the rush.

Also, check out our other recent blogs for even more insights for this coming holiday season:

Preparing Your Business Today For a Unique Holiday Season

4 Campaign Roadmaps You Can Use for your Holiday Marketing

5 Sanity Strategies for Entrepreneurs This Holiday Season with Frank Cianciulli

Be sure to ask the Bees any questions you might have about what they do to summon their creative juices and work around roadblocks.

Check out the video or podcast above. Subscribe to our weekly live stream on Facebook, or take it on the go with a podcast on your platforms’ choice. Keep up-to-date on news, trends, and tips in digital marketing and join in on the conversation.
What’s new?
Creative pivots can be very difficult, especially for small businesses. The pandemic has caused a massive shift in the marketplace, and we've all been left scrambling, trying to find our footing on this new ground.

Take a look at the business types most affected by the pandemic in the chart below.

To remain open, these businesses have had to adjust their strategies to the new landscape. It hasn't been easy, and the toll it's taken has been felt in many industries.

Since March, the number of closures is quite alarming, as you can see below, but it hasn't been all doom and gloom. There have also been some really amazing success stories!

Ok, that chart is just depressing, and now I'm thinking of all the wonderful gems and small businesses we've lost in our community. So...let's get into some wins, shall we?
What's Working?
Here's a great example of a smart pivot and creative marketing tactics that recognized and leveraged his skills and what he could offer to the community.

A fitness coach launched PE with Joe for families and kids to keep up with physical activity during the lockdown. By launching his free videos, he went from 3000-4000 subscribers per week to 200k-400k.

These are the types of stories that bring us together and help motivate us by giving us hope by showing us that it is possible to move forward and find success, even in uncertain times.

The rise of ghost kitchens has also been a great win for restaurants and the industry. Rather than having expensive retail spaces, many restaurants are shifting to Ghost Kitchens, which exist solely through food delivery services.

Check out this article by The Globe and Mail that talks about the rise of ghost kitchens in Canada.

‘Ghost Kitchens’ Begin to Pop Up in Canada as Food Delivery Grows in Popularity

And here are some more great examples of successful pivots and creative marketing tactics you can check out!

Three Babes Bakeshop - online classes & meal kits.
