Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

Digital Marketing from the Trenches Live at the Hive

Beyond the Welcome Email: 10 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Today

July 13, 2020

Hey everyone! We're taking a trip to the land of dinosaurs this week, and you're invited! No, wait, that's not right. It's more like back to the future, maybe. No, that's definitely not right. Whatever. What is beyond the welcome email? That is the question.

Let's just get to the point. Email marketing is NOT dead. Yea, you heard that right. Take it to the bank, friends.

Check out the video or podcast above where the bees discuss the many options available for email marketing, and how and why it's still very much alive and kicking.

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What's New?
While email marketing is not new, what we can do with it is constantly changing, thanks to new innovations and new technology.

Dynamic content is an awesome way to capture attention or even to encourage engagement, such as implementing gamification that rewards recipients for playing.

Gifs, videos, and even interactive polls and surveys are great ways to engage your audience.

Interactivity and personalization are 2 of the most popular trends right now, and with a unique and creative approach, you'll be giving people a great reason to open your emails and engage with your brand.
Here are some fun email stats from Hubspot to get you thinking:

* 86% of consumers would like to receive a promotional email from brands they subscribe to at least once per month.
* 78% of consumers have unsubscribed from lists because a brand was sending too many emails.
* Email subscribers are 3X more likely to share social content than others.
* For 86% of professionals, email is their preferred communication channel.
* Emails that are triggered by an action perform 3X better than nurture emails or drip campaigns.
* When it comes to customer acquisition, email is 40X more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined.

What's Working?
When it comes down to it, if you think email marketing is dead, you're most likely not doing it right.

Email marketing has a high return on investment. On average, every $1 spent on email marketing delivers a $38 ROI. With more than 3.8 billion email users worldwide, it's the most prominent marketing channel businesses use to connect with their audience.

Studies show that 81% of SMBs still rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel, and 80% for retention.

According to eMarketer’s 2019 report, 91% of internet users send emails, making it the most popular digital activity, even out-ranking search and video.
If you're neglecting this area of your marketing strategy, thinking email is outdated, you're missing out on huge opportunities, plain and simple.
So let's take a look at what goes into an email campaign and how to make it work for you:
Create the Strategic Roadmap
First things first. Always start here. Set SMART goals and choose your tools. Decide what it is you want to achieve, and develop a strategy. Some common goals include:

* Improving engagement
* Driving traffic to your website
* Increasing your campaign's open rate
* Nurturing subscribers
* Growing your email list
* Promote sales and outreach

You'll also want to decide on the tools you're going to use, such as Hubspot, Mai...
