Digital Download with Paul Sutton

Digital Download with Paul Sutton

The Disruptors: A Template for the Future of Communications

August 05, 2020

On the last episode of the podcast, we discussed how the public relations industry is under serious threat from the pandemic. In this show we outline a template for the future that will ensure that communications agencies not only survive, but thrive.
There is a new breed of communications professional that is challenging the status quo and doing things differently to what has come before. It's a hybrid of PR, marketing, creative and SEO that has strategic communications at its heart, and following their lead is, in my view, the way forward for the industry.
This episode of the Digital Download podcast investigates what makes these communicators unique, and how they are approaching their businesses.
The special guests in this show are founder of Don't Cry Wolf, John Brown, co-founder of Rise at Seven, Carrie Rose, and co-founder of Hard Numbers, Darryl Sparey.
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