Digital Diamonds: Personal Branding | YouTube | Mindset

Digital Diamonds: Personal Branding | YouTube | Mindset

Ep. 93 - Quitting your Online Business and Following your Intuition with Yoga Teacher & Bohemian Soul Debby Ixchel

April 10, 2019

Debby Ixchel is a bohemian soul, single mom, Hispanist, linguist and yoga teacher who helps to guide people to their inner light. I am so grateful to call her a friend and share her journey and wisdom on energy, spirituality and intuition with you here on the podcast.

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Subscribe to her amazing YouTube Channel:

In this episode we chat all about:

  • Why Debby quit her business to live a more grounded life
  • How Debby knew that the life of a digital nomad was not the right things for her
  • How to start connecting with your intuition every day
  • Balancing masculine and feminine energy as entrepreneurs
  • How to ask better questions to get into alignment
  • Conscious dating advice
  • Spiritual practices to start doing in your everyday routine

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