Digital Crickets

Digital Crickets

Latest Episodes

Nerdy Fitness
July 09, 2019

GameMaster shares his advice for office workers wanting to get their fitness on.

One Over Infinity
July 01, 2019

GameMaster's Theory of Everything

Grand Admiral of the Space Force
January 31, 2019

Hodgepodge of stuff before the long road.

Matter of Perspective
January 24, 2019

It is really just a matter of perspective.

Gentle Souls
January 18, 2019

Why we have contempt for our very nature.

Talkin' Bout Secks
January 14, 2019

A nerd take on sexy topics.

Starting Again
January 10, 2019

A supervillain rises!

Hook Them Early
January 09, 2019

Episode 0 Teaser is complete. Ah, the mystery will kill them.Watch on YouTube

/print hello world
January 04, 2019

Website revision complete. Plan back on schedule after Ukrainian sentence reduced to 4 months. Crickets are ready.