Differentiate or Die: Secrets of Silicon Valley

Differentiate or Die: Secrets of Silicon Valley

Latest Episodes

Pete Daffern: The Power of Positioning, a CEO Perspective
June 22, 2020

Is Positioning the new CEO lever? And how is it best done? We asked Pete Daffern, a veteran tech exec...

Bill Conner: The Power of Positioning, a CEO Perspective
June 16, 2020

CEO Bill Connor was brought into SonicWall to turn around the 28-year-old cybersecurity company...

Chris Keene: The Power of Positioning, a CEO Perspective
January 03, 2020

Chris Keene, CEO of Gigster is interviewed by Firebrick founder, Bob Wright and Positioning Strategist, Bob Macdonald.

Differentiate or Die: Stop the Geek Speak
November 28, 2017

Is your company pitch 36 slides of techno jargon? Are executive buyers turned off by your geek speak?

Differentiate or Die: Is your positioning winning or losing?
October 18, 2017

Is your positioning winning or losing? How do.you know? What are the metrics for success?

Differentiate or Die: B2B Positioning, CEO or CMO agenda?
September 05, 2017

B2B Positioning: Whose job is it anyway? Who in your B2B tech company is responsible for positioning?

Differentiate or Die: Positioning vs. Branding, clearing up the confusion
July 31, 2017

What is the difference between branding and positioning? If I am a B2B tech company, do I need both?

Differentiate or Die: Symptoms you have a positioning problem
May 08, 2017

Listen to the first in our podcast series about the keys to creating powerful B2B tech positioning stories.