Difference Makers

Difference Makers

Carol Rosenstein: Music Mends Minds

December 18, 2021

In this episode, Dr. Carol Rosenstein, co-founder and Executive Officer of Music Mends Minds, talks about her inspiring work creating musical support groups for individuals with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, and other neurological disorders.

Dr. Carol Port Rosenstein, is an educator and pioneer in the field of holistic mind-body health. After a career as a chiropractor, she became interested in total mind-body health and acquired a Master’s in Clinical Psychology to help her further delve into alternative and complementary medicine. Her thesis regarded the objectification of the inner child as a possible source of psychosomatic illness, which if addressed correctly can unlock the elixir that is part of the healing potion to reverse dis-ease/disease, when caught on an early continuum. This is what fueled her passion for the arts and its ability to heal the body and mind. For this reason, she became very interested in the power of music as a form of acoustic art to heal the mind and body.

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Music Mends Minds is a nonprofit that creates musical support groups for individuals with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injury, PTSD and other neurological disorders. Our vision is to foster worldwide communities among afflicted individuals and their families, friends, volunteers and caregivers, all of who can thrive on socialization and music making.

To learn more, visit www.musicmendsminds.org

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Difference Makers

Individuals who make a difference through innovative and inspiring charity work

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