Difference Makers

Difference Makers

Col. Richard & Janet Munn: Advocating on Behalf of the Poor, Marginalized, and Oppressed to Put an End to Injustice

April 20, 2021

In this episode, Colonels Janet and Richard Munn, directors of The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission, talk about their work advocating on behalf of the poor, marginalized, and oppressed to put an end to injustice in the world.

Colonels Janet and Richard Munn originate from The Salvation Army’s USA Eastern Territory where they served as corps officers and divisional leaders, and then at the USA East Territorial Headquarters – Richard as Secretary for Program and Janet as the Ambassador for Prayer and Spiritual Formation.

A season of overseas international service included leadership at the International College for Officers (ICO) and Center for Spiritual Life Development (CSLD) in London, England, followed by 2 years in the Australia East Territory, Richard serving as chief secretary and Janet as principal for the School for Officer Training, Booth College.

Upon return to the USA East Janet served as principal for the College for Officer Training, and Richard as Secretary for Theology and Christian Ethics.  In 2019 they were appointed as Directors of the International Social Justice Commission (ISJC), based in Manhattan, NY.

Janet is a graduate of Asbury College, Wilmore KY, (BA), and Greenville College, Greenville, IL (MA).  In 2015 she successfully completed her Doctor of Ministry studies in transformational leadership with Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, OH. Her dissertation addresses ‘Theory and Practice of Gender Equality in The Salvation Army.’

Richard graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary (MDiv) and received a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in 2004.  His project thesis assesses the egalitarian leadership model of The Salvation Army.

The Munns are parents of two young adult children, Nealson and Olivia, and son-in law Pratik, with grandson Roman, all of whom live in New York City.

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The International Social Justice Commission (ISJC) is The Salvation Army’s strategic voice to advocate for human dignity and social justice with the world’s poor and oppressed. We are part of The Salvation Army’s International Headquarters and our office is based in New York City.


  • To promote a vision of justice based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.
  • To advocate and advise on social, economic, political issues and events which lead to the perpetuation of injustice in the world.
  • To amplify the voices of poor, marginalized and oppressed people and translate their real life insights into policies, practices and life-giving opportunities.

COMMUNICATION: By various means of communication, the ISJC will broadcast the plans, goals and practices relative to ISJC mission, values and progress, with a particular emphasis on the use of social media.

ADVOCACY: The ISJC will actively partner with others (including the united nations) in the pursuit of justice, with the intention of effecting changes in policies, attitudes, and behaviours.

RESEARCH: The ISJC will investigate issues and questions, providing tools for measuring and documenting social justice.

EDUCATION: The ISJC will produce resources to inform and equip others with knowledge to seek justice together.

Our Goals

  • Increase passion for justice in The Salvation Army family
  • Inspire leaders to seek justice
  • Influence global partners for God’s justice

To learn more, visit www.salvationarmy.org/isjc

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Difference Makers

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Col. Richard & Janet Munn: Advocating on Behalf of the Poor, Marginalized, and Oppressed to Put an End to Injustice