Difference Makers

Difference Makers

Rachel Huston: Taylor Anne Foundation

December 01, 2023

In this episode, Rachel Huston, president and founder of the Taylor Anne Foundation, talks about their inspiring work honoring the life and legacy of Taylor Anne Burns Huston while raising awareness and funds for pediatric cancer research.

Each day 47 children in the US are diagnosed with cancer and it is the leading cause of death by disease for children yet only a small fraction of funds is designated to find treatments and cures. Our goals are to honor our Taylor Anne while helping to fund research with the dream of finding effective treatments and cures for various childhood cancers so that every child has a fighting chance to live and have an actual childhood!

Taylor Anne Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit started in 2023 to honor the life and spirit of Taylor Anne Burns Huston. Taylor Anne, or TayTay, was a vibrant, loving and joyful child. She loved to dance, sing, run and spread love wherever she went. When Taylor was 6 years old, she was diagnosed with a rare but aggressive brain tumor, of which there is no cure nor treatments that have shown to be very effective. Taylor underwent multiple rounds of radiation, surgeries, and two clinical trials all with a joyful spirit, and rarely complaining. Throughout her journey, Taylor Anne had the strongest faith and in August of 2022, Taylor went to Heaven passing away at the age of 7. Taylor inspired us all to be better people and make an impact on this world. It is with her spirit that we started this Foundation to make a difference in the world of pediatric cancer with a dream to find a cure.

To learn more, visit www.taylorannefoundation.org

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Difference Makers

Individuals who make a difference through innovative and inspiring charity work

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Rachel Huston: Taylor Anne Foundation

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