Difference Makers

Difference Makers

Matt Baehr: Homes for HOPE

August 07, 2023

In this episode, Matt Baehr, Executive Director of Homes for HOPE, talks about their inspiring work partnering with the building industry to alleviate global poverty through Christ-centered discipleship, biblically based training, a safe place to save, and financial loans.

Matthew Baehr brings two decades of experience in the non-profit sector to his role as executive director of Homes for HOPE. He is an experienced speaker, networker, and fundraiser who effectively grows organizations through thoughtful strategic planning processes, and influential leadership development methods. Matt is an active member of his church and loves spending time with his amazing wife Heather, and their four great kids.

Homes for HOPE is a global Christ-centered nonprofit that equips underserved communities to break the cycle of poverty.

BUILDING LOCALLY: To accomplish our mission of fighting global poverty, we partner with the building industry in the US and Canada to complete Homes for HOPE projects.

FIGHTING POVERTY GLOBALLY: Through funds generated by Homes for HOPE projects, we support biblically based business training, savings services, and loans that restore dignity and break the cycle of poverty around the world.

To learn more, visit www.homes4hope.org

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Difference Makers

Individuals who make a difference through innovative and inspiring charity work

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Matt Baehr: Homes for HOPE

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