The Dice Unkind

The Dice Unkind

Empire’s Reach Episode 1: The Night From Hell

April 25, 2017

Hey, Everyone!

Here is the first session of The Dice Unkind! Our characters take to the streets of Nar Shadaa, but not before we are completely derailed by some Wu-Tang name generators. Things aren't always as they seem, except for Duncan/Kax, he's definitely high. They meet a shady character, to help with a credit drop, and in true Star Wars fashion, nothing really goes as planned.

Jeremy Oleksa is the GM

Duncan Fisher is "Kax" KX-710 - Droid
Tim Hackney is Brock Orion - Human
Maria Frantz is Eurora Vale - Bothan

Some of the music in the episode is from Jukedeck

Some of the atmospheres in the episode is from Table Top Audio

We can be found at

Thanks for listening!