Shattered Soulstone

Shattered Soulstone

Episode 276 – BlizzConLine

September 27, 2020

Show notes originally posted by Vespertilio

Jen started off their week with their level 67 hardcore barbarian! Working on their final push to get to level 70, they jumped into rifts and got some bad luck with elite monster spawn rates. Pushing through, they were able to do it and get their barbarian to max level and they are now looking forward to making headway in my season journey to get their free armor set.

  • BlizzConLine has been announced! February 19th and 20th, 2021! Find out more here!
  • ]Blizzard Entertainment Twitter Post about BlizzConLine can be found here!
  • Con Before the Storm tweet for virtual event, here!
  • CarbotAnimations DiabLOL episode 7 “Sunday, Bloody, Sunday“!
  • Rhykker’s latest Diablo related YouTube video! Watch here!
  • Reddit post suggests that the Hunter class in Diablo 4 will be an NPC, find out more here!
  • Blizzard “What’s Playing In Late September” article can be found here!
  • Blizzard has a job listing available for a Game Producer for an”Unannounced Project”. Find that here!
  • Blizzard has another job listing available for a Narrative Designer for
  • Diablo Immortal! Go check it out here!
  • Blizzard Entertainment Summer Program! Want to know more? Find out here! And more info here!
  • Mike Morhaime, former CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment, teams up with industry veterans to launch Dreamhaven! You are going to want to see this, here!

In this episode:

Got something to say? Send a tweet to @ShatteredStone or message us on Facebook at and we will read it off in the next episode. Or, you can send an email to We will read it in our next episode.

The Shattered Soulstone is on Discord! Come join us and talk to everyone in game and out, in voice and text channels! To join the server just go to