Shattered Soulstone

Shattered Soulstone

Episode 191 – Happy Birthday R-N-Jesus

December 29, 2018

Show notes originally posted by Vespertilio

Deadgreed and Vespertilio take this new episode by storm and quickly talk about… well.. not Diablo at first. They talk a little about what they have been up to out of the game then follow it up with an in game tour through how their season went up until this point and even go into what they have planned for next season. New updates for season 16 are discussed and the wait to see who won the raffle for the 2018 Blizzcon Goody bag is finally revealed!

In this episode:

* Deadgreed and Vespertilio give updates in and out of game

* Season 15 ending soon

* New updates to Season 16 Patch Notes discussed

* The raffle for the 2018 Blizzcon Goody Bag has ended and the winner has been announced!

Blue Notes:


Got something to say? Send a tweet to @ShatteredStone or message us on Facebook at and we will read it off in the next episode. Or, you can send an email to We will read it in our next episode.

The Shattered Soulstone is on Discord! Come join us and talk to everyone in game and out, in voice and text channels! To join the server just click the link
