Shattered Soulstone
Episode 144 – Blizzcrud Free
Show notes originally posted by Vespertilio
In this episode Blizzcon Blizzcon Blizzcon!! So much Blizzcon!! Or.. Well.. As much as us Diablo fans got this year. Hint hint, it wasn’t much. We still had a lot to talk about and we still had some fun. So join us in this very entertaining episode!
In this episode:
* The hosts talk about what they have been up to in game between seasons
* Deadgreed shares another one of his, quickly becoming, famous ideas and a long conversation follows
* Vesper covers the Diablo panels at Blizzcon 2017
* Special thanks to Ultimoblaze for sending us an email! We give you a solid high-five and we hope to hear from you again!
Got something to say? Send a tweet to @ShatteredStone or message us on Facebook at and we will read it off in the next episode. Or, you can send an email to We will read it in our next episode.
The Shattered Soulstone is on Discord! Come join us and talk to everyone in game and out, in voice and text channels! To join the server just click the link
Links for you to Visit:
* – Blizzcon Challenge Rift
* – Pumpkin Contest Results
* – Season 12 Info
* – Double Goblin Buff