Shattered Soulstone

Shattered Soulstone

Episode 103 – Party in Mah Pants

November 03, 2015

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In our 103rd episode we are back at almost full strength (in more ways than one) with Jen rejoining us. We then get down to business and discuss what we’ve been up to: Jen completed Chapter 4 of her seasonal journey, Breja spoiled a Pizza, and Nevik’s static charge has been nullified.

In this episode:

  • We read, and respond to an audio email from Kherova. Listener participation has been absolutely amazing and is primarily why we do this show, so keep them coming! We WILL get to all the emails we receive, even if occasionally we have to push a few to the next episode. Send in your stories of RNGesus triumph to!
  • We, well Nevik, failed to come up with a timely Question of the Show this week, but we did come up with one for our next show! What do you hope to hear out of Blizzcon 2015? Let us know and all responses will be read on episode 104! Be sure to follow the show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future Questions of the Show.
  • Botting is still very much on not only our minds, but those of our listeners. Especially after someone on Twitch managed to accidentally stream their bot running. We continue the discussion at length (maybe too long?) about some of the possibilities as to why there hasn’t been a response from Blizzard and Team 3 yet.
  • Jen is back with another installed of Jen’s Lore Corner this time delving in to the lore behind King Leoric’s beheaded wife, Queen Asylla.

Links for you to Visit:

  • With Blizzcon 2015 ALMOST HERE there has been a lot of Diablo-themed cosplay popping up on the internets. Mr. Jechgo captured some at the Quebec City Comiccon 2015 (along with a lot of other cosplay).

Other Entertainment/Games:

  • From now on this segment of the show will be exclusively for our Twitch/YouTube viewers in an effort to reduce editing time and show length. If you want to hear us talk about anything and everything outside of Diablo, then check out our Twitch and YouTube channels.

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to

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