Shattered Soulstone

Shattered Soulstone

Episode 82 – Boob Physics for your Earballs

May 14, 2015

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In our 82nd episode, we pull a little switch-a-roo with our beloved Jen feeling well enough to return to fill in for our MIA jiggle-master Breja. After catching up with Jen and their on-going struggles with allergens we get down to business and talk about what we’ve been up to: Lanntonio is playing more than ever before, Jen hit 70 with a seasonal character faster than ever before, and Nevik being more Nevik-like than ever before.

On April 25th at 11:56 NST a 7.8 magnitude earthquake occurred 34 km (21 mi) east-southeast of Lamjung, Nepal. The devastation has been widespread and the death toll keeps climbing. Our thoughts are with the people of Nepal affected by the initial quake and continuing subsequent after-shocks. Numerous non-profit organizations have mobilized and arrived in Nepal, but they need your help. If you can help go to which links directly to Paypal’s Nepal Earthquake Relief and Recovery Donation site. 100% of all donations will be directly sent to each respective organization with Paypal waiving all corresponding fees so that every cent donated is delivered to each non-profit organizations helping in the relief effort. Again, if you can, please help.

In this episode:

* As mentioned in episode 81 we had to push a pair of emails we due to time constraints. Listener participation has been absolutely amazing and is primarily why we do this show, so keep them coming! We WILL get to all the emails we receive, even if occasionally we have to push a few to the next episode. Send in your stories of RNGesus triumph to!

* We received a bunch of tweets (as you might) from @BrentDoomfield, @Kagerai_Leblue, @pergosmaster, @BlizzconCD, @scanline75, @Rilandune, @Hawgeye_CTR, @GrandNagus1, @Kherova, @josukeshair, @EYedgar0111, @sastewart111, and @Shepherd_Sieja. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

* We posed the question on Twitter asking what your gaming guilty pleasures are. We weren’t very timely with throwing the question out there, so we’re carrying it over to our next show. Be sure to follow the show on Twitter to participate in future Questions of the Show.

* Prompted by one of crazy listeners that is going through our archive of shows we discuss at length as to whether we feel that Diablo III has hit that vintage point that DII:LoD achieved long ago. Certainly not an easy question to answer, but we give it our best. What say you? Let us know!

* As you spend more and more time in rifts you may notice that not all monsters are created equal in terms of progression. In fact, some troublesome and/or deadly types of monsters can be worth very little rift progression whereas some slow-moving and easily-dispatched monsters are worth an amazing amount of progression. WHAT. THE. HECK? Right? Well until we see some balance changes made VocaloidNyan put together a list of monsters and their corresponding rift progression values. Let us know your thoughts and opinions on these monster rift progression disparities:

* HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIABLO III! In honor of this occasion we decided to do something special with this episode’s Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater. We decided to take a stroll down memory lane and reminisce about everyone’s favorite error code of the past: Error 37. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Your participation can ensure that this fun segment makes an appearance every show. Send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to

Links for you to Visit:

* In case you found VocaloidNyan’s monster rift progression list hard to process/read, Flux, over at Diablo.IncGamers, put together the information in a more easily-digested tabled format.

* If you’re still relatively new to running rifts, and/or haven’t run many of them some of the rift guardians may seem difficult to overcome … or at the very least difficult to read on when certain attacks patterns are coming your way. AOD Gaming is putting together a 3-part Rift Guardian Survival Guide with Part One and Part Two available now.

* Play Your Way Thursday is back with another installment this time featuring Schlagenbob’s Fiery Rain Demon Hunter. THIS BUILD IS HOT! HOT! HOT!

* So maybe Nevik should have hedged his bets a little more with predicting that we might see Patch 2.2.1 (a bug fix patch mostly) this week. Nevertheless you can check the brief PTR Patch 2.2.1 Notes to see what exactly this minor patch includes.

* Blizzard is looking for some focused feedback on the functionality of the Wardrobe (added in Patch 2.2). Could it possibly be expanded to store gear sets and build layouts? Have your own ideas? Chime in on the thread and let the devs know!

* Rejoice! Heroes of the Storm is adding another hero from the Diablo universe. Johanna, the Crusader, looks amazing and we can’t wait to try her out!

Other Entertainment/Games:

* Queue crickets …

Song of the Show:

We continue the birthday celebration and remembrance of Error 37 by bringing you LadyGameLyric’s parody song immortalizing the infamous error code. Featuring a soothing backtrack LadyGameLyric’s luminous vocals contrast against this dark time for the Diablo franchise. Be sure to check out her extensive library of work on YouTube as well as on Soundcloud. You can also follow her on a multitude of social media sites: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even Tumblr.

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to

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