Shattered Soulstone

Shattered Soulstone

Episode 67 – Hardly Touching Fruit

August 25, 2014

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In this episode, we celebrate getting almost everyone back into the “recording studio”! After catching up from our unplanned hiatus we get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Breja got cocky and lost his Plum, Nevik has yet another level 70 wizard, and Jen is wondering what class to get to 70 next!

In this episode:

* We received a solitary email from Rebur (@Chaos5061) but decided to hold onto it for our next show at his behest since its content is aimed for our “Getting Torment Viable show“! Thank you Rebur for the email, we will hold on to it for when that show happens! We love to hear stories of triumph or tragedy from our listeners, so keep them coming, really!

* For a short turnaround between shows we received a decent amount of tweets from @grindexp, @Foqbupog, @Jaetch, @Kherova, and @Hawgeye_CTR. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

* We posed the question on Twitter asking for your predictions on the release dates for patch 2.1 as well as the opening of the first season. We got quite a few responses despite the short notice on the question going live. Be sure to follow our show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future Questions of the Show.

* Could Patch 2.1 be right around the corner? Blizzard has been on a Patch 2.1 media blitz with a hosted Q&A Tavern Talk, forum post highlighting the design philosophies behind the patch, and previews for Seasons, Greater Rifts, and The Vault. We can’t be far off, right?

* Meanwhile, as announced by community manager Nevalistis at the end of the developer Tavern Talk, Blizzard decided everyone could use some more gold and gave us a +50% Gold Find buff for the duration of the weekend (until server maintenance early Tuesday morning). Another sign that 2.1 is Soon™?

* We are back at it with another Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater and this time we bring you not just one, but TWO angst-ridden threads that cropped up on the official forums. Did you lose a hardcore character during the weekend DDoS attacks? Or do you feel that Blizzard is ignoring you? These folks sure did and took to the forums to let everyone know.

As always we are looking for your participation with this fun segment, send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to

This episode’s Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater segment bed music included Rondeau from Sinfonie de Fanfares by Jean-Joseph Mouret and Pannonia Boundless by Alexandra Vrebalov.

Links for you to Visit:

* Have you given a listen to new Diablo podcasts Kulle Story Bro and D3Addicted yet? If you haven’t, WHY NOT? Episode 4 of Kulle Story Bro is now available and their show joined the Tweeters so go follow @KSBpodcast!

* Diablo III is finally coming to China, but not without some … alterations. Check out some of the graphical alterations for the Chinese Diablo III client.PoorGrotesque

* During our hiatus some amazing Diablo cosplay popped up at Japan Expo. Check our Sylvain Martinez’s Flickr photo album highlighting the cosplay found at Japan Expo.

* Even wizard extraordinaire’s learn something new every once in awhile and friend of the show, Jaetch, has been sharing those “AH HA!” moments with his Today I Learned Youtube series.

* If you haven’t dug in to the lore surrounding the Diablo universe and are wanting an easy way to get in to it, DeadSet gaming has an ongoing series, Sanctuary Sunday Talk focusing on varying elements of the Diablo lore. Check out his Lords of the Burning Hells and Set Item Origins videos on Youtube. More are coming so subscribe to his Youtube channel to not miss any of his content.

Song of the Show:

Guess what folks! FOOTBALL SEASON IS UPON US and that means Madden season (if you’re a fan of Madden football). EA Sports put together something really special for Madden 15’s commercial; something that they may never be able to top. Enjoy! And no we’re not sorry.

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to

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