Shattered Soulstone

Shattered Soulstone

Episode 45 – #Daws

August 02, 2013

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In this episode, our 4th Musketeer could not join us for more than a fleeting moment on account of having a massive household move the following day. We then get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Breja dreams of the possibilities of an Auriel statuette, Jen caught up with Zoltun Kulle-story-bro in Hell, and Nevik powered through his wizard up to paragon 80.

In this episode:

* We read, and respond to, another mountain of emails we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch comes to us from Tensor, Chad and Daws. Thank you for the email! Keep them coming, really!

* We received tweets from @scanline75, @HomeTownHero008, @Torrack1714, @Jaetch, @TwizzTE, and our very own @QueenofHaiku. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

* We ponder how much how much our 4th Musketeer, Lanntonio, should offer to his brother-in-law, Daws, for helping him with the move. How much do you think he should gift? Be sure to either leave a comment on this show thread, or share your opinion on Twitter. Be sure to direct your tweet @Lanntonio and include the hashtag #daws.

[Editor’s Note: It appears #daws has an entirely different meaning out there in the twitterverse, but hopefully we can confoozle some folks out there with our inclusion of the hashtag ^^]

* Our very good friend, Jaetch (@Jaetch) picked up some swag from our CafePress store. Very stylin’!

* Mr. Monstrosity is back with another impressive suggestion thread over on the DiabloFans forums titled Loot 2.0, Discovering Its True Potential. There are some really neat ideas in his thread and it has garnered attention over at /r/Diablo and by the Blizzard Diablo III community team with an official blog post highlighting it. We highly recommend checking it out and sharing your opinions with us by shooting us an email:

* We discuss Senior Technical Designer Wyatt Cheng popping his head out over at /r/Diablo to discuss design theory in regards to life regeneration and EHP (effective health pool) and give our opinions on the discussion. For a summation of the exchange head on over to the DiabloFans article highlighting it.

* Just by listening to the show you would never guess that Nevik has a bias towards wizards. Nope. Never. So we figured whenever we get some wizard-love from our fellow listeners we have to share it with all of you. Our good friend Tensor recently hit paragon level 70 with his wizard and here’s his screenshot to prove it!

Links for you to Visit:

* If you haven’t picked up the trade paperback of the Diablo: Sword of Justice comic series then you’re doing yourself a HARSH INJUSTICE. Quite simply this comic series is AH-MAZE-NG and you owe it to yourself to own this incredible piece of work before it becomes hard to find.

* Sometimes you will hear us mention EHP and other technical terms on the show and might be wondering how one would go about determining that. is a fantastic utility site out there that makes it easy to discover your EHP as well as provide other extremely useful information!

* is another useful utility site comes to us recommended by Jaetch, wizard extraordinaire. It is a gear evaluator that identifies your overall gear value and can help plan out effective upgrades as well as provide you a fairly accurate assessment of which monster power level your character can handle effectively.

* In breaking news a day prior to recording the show we learned that Activision-Blizzard bought back a significant portion of shares held by Vivendi resulting in freeing themselves from being controlled by Vivendi. Head on over to Flux’s article over at Diablo.IncGamers for more information on the deal.

* Who doesn’t love cosplay? Especially if it is of the Diablo persuasion? Recently down in Los Angeles Anime Expo 2013 happened and there were some amazing Diablo-themed cosplay to be found.

* If you play one of those overpowered barbarians and are looking to maximize your legendary farming techniques check out Moldran’s short video highlighting 5 tips for you.

* Somehow we missed it, but Diablo Somepage was able to sit down with Josh Mosquiera, Travis Day and Kevin Martens back in June. OOOPS! While not as fresh as the most recent batch of developer interviews, there’s still some good information to consume, check out the interview!

* Blizzard’s community team has been taking a more active role in promoting individuals from the community and took the time to sit down with streamer Archon the Wizard. If you would like to know a bit more about the prolific D3, head on over to Blizzard’s interview with Archon.

* Xanth over at Diablo.Incgamers recently posted an article on proper public game etiquette titled Playing Well with Others. We know that none of our listeners would be as bold to leech XP in higher MP level games, but nonetheless it is a good read and something to be aware of when joining a public game.

Tatasinke is back with another edition of his newspaper, the New Tristram News. Check it out and subscribe!

Song of the Show:

Most of the Diablo-themed musical remixes we’ve found out there have mainly been focused on Diablo’s most iconic piece of music, Tristram. This episode we bring you a remix based on Leah’s theme titled Leah (Diablo 3 Dom1 Remix) created by the Nerdy Dance Experiment, a blog that takes video game mash-ups and adds interpretive dance. You can find more video game mash-ups from the Nerdy Dance Experiment at their blog, or at SoundCloud.

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to

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