Shattered Soulstone

Shattered Soulstone

Episode 20 – Kindred Spirits

August 01, 2012

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In this GLORIOUS! twentieth episode Nevik, Breja and Jen are joined once more by our fourth musketeer, Lanntonio, to shake things up a bit. We start off the show discussing what we all have been up to in and out of game before tackling another healthy dose of emails as well as a pair of audio submissions. We also give our reactions to Mike Morhaime’s letter to us … err … the ravenous Diablo 3 fans.

In this episode:

* We received not one but TWO voice mails from our good friend Rho and the Papa Kangaroo himself, Medros. Each voice mail posed a really good question and sparked a healthy discussion.

* We read, and respond to, another mountain of email! Keep them coming! This batch came from: Silent, Commander Bird, Chad, John, Smokimus, and Master Do.

* We announced the winner of our screenshot contest, Str8UpJack! Here is his winning screenshot!

Links for you to Visit:

* Silent recommended a humorous video about the infamous Error 37. Check it out here!

* Our good friend Rho has updated his on-going blog series about the Sad Story of Diablo 3 with his thoughts on Act II and Act III. It should go without warning, but his impressions are spoiler-ridden so read at your discretion.

* Nevik mentioned a new resource site, Diablo 3 Market Watch, to help keep track of the Diablo 3 gold auction house trends.

* As part of our discussion resulting from Medros’ voice mail Lanntonio mentioned a video by Kripparrian where he (Kripparrian) gives ideas and tips for Blizzard to implement to improve Diablo 3’s “end game.”

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to

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