Shattered Soulstone

Even More Hatred – Episode 461
In this episode: Diablo IV Patch Notes; Vessel of Hatred Launch Twitch Drops; Blizzard story recap; New Legion Event in Nahantu for Diablo 4; New Tormented Boss Summoning Material Transmute recipes; Who is Akarat?; a Vessel of Hatred Expansion Review; and more!
Topics include:
- Blizzard Entertainment: Diablo IV Patch Notes
- Blizzard Entertainment: Earn Vessel of Hatred Launch Twitch Drops
- Wowhead: Diablo 4 – The Story So Far [Spoiler Warning] by POPULARTOPULAR
- Wowhead: New Legion Event in Nahantu for Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred by JEZARTROZ
- Wowhead: Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred Early Access Q&A with Brent Gibson, Rex Dickson, Colin Finer, and Kyle Martin by JEZARTOZ
- Wowhead: New Tormented Boss Summoning Material Transmute Recipes Available with Vessel of Hatred by THARID
- Wowhead: New Akarat Short Story and Audio Book Unveiled — Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred by THARID
- Wowhead: Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred Expansion Review by THARID
- Wowhead: Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred Patch 2.0.2 Early Download Now Available on by POPULARTOPULAR
- Adam Fletcher posted on X: “PC Bnet users can now download 2.0.2 early before the launch of #VesselofHatred. I recommend grabbing this prior to launch on October 8th!
- Wowhead: Stronghold Leveling Nerfed in Diablo 4 Season 6 – by JEZARTROZ
- Wowhead: Main Stat Damage Bonuses Reverted in Diablo 4 Season 6 – Back to Former Baseline by JEZARTROZ
Where to find Jen’s Content Creation:
- Shattered Soulstone T-shirts now available on Jen’s Redbubble!
- Shattered Soulstone Pride shirts now available on Jen’s Redbubble!
- Shattered Soulstone Trans Flag shirts now available on Jen’s Redbubble!
- Book Of Jen website: Diablo gameplay videos
- BookOfJen Original YouTube: Diablo Game videos
- BookOfJen Original YouTube: Vampire The Masquerade videos (via Restless Barbarian Gaming)
- Jen’s Lore Corner episodes are on the Shattered Soulstone website