‘Dezo’ The Inventor ¡?! Dionte's ß...±#00347vV..

‘Dezo’ The Inventor ¡?! Dionte's ß...±#00347vV..

Don't Worry About What Others Feel About You

July 13, 2018

Listen people don't worry about what people say because they usually have preconceived opinions about you for no reason. I want everyone to learn how to be yourself, not just by not caring about what people think about you, but understanding that people will either like you or not. At the end of the day you control your life with the decisions you make. Dezo The Inventor gives you his opinion on why he doesn't think people should worry about what other people think about them. Take your time to think about what i'm saying, because I give realistic advice that can help you stop caring about other people's opinion about you. Respect others opinions, but watch out for the people that try to disrespect to get respect. That doesn't work for everyone. People need to speak up for themselves and stop submerging how you feel. Learn how to assert your feelings people.