Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur
Latest Episodes
Success Through Perseverance
One of the things we have seen through many interviews is the idea of success through perseverance. It is more than not quitting; it is driving forward. Obstacles are a part of life, and we can either
Building And Vetting Your Team
We wrap up our Bryan Clayton interview with his stories and suggestions for building and vetting your team. He has built up an organization by overcoming a lot of obstacles. Those may seem unique to h
Longer Vacations And Mini-Retirement - Make The Most Of Your Time
We can leverage some times of the year to create longer vacations and mini-retirement experiences. There are fixed holidays and slow times that can provide a foundation for our time off, and then we t
Use Metrics For Productivity
What gets measured gets managed is a way to look at how we need to use metrics for productivity gains to become a reality. We can go by our feelings or other squishy methods. However, those are easily