Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S3 Episode 14 How to Deal With Envy

May 30, 2023

Welcome my friends to season 3 of the Determined to Dance podcast. My prayer is that you’ll be encouraged to persevere daily in our chaotic world. On today’s episode, How to Deal With Envy, we’ll focus on being grateful for what God has given us.

Show Notes: How to Deal With Envy

When I decided to create a podcast episode on envy, I thought I’d better look up exactly what it means. Jealousy, envy, coveting: they all can get mixed together. says that envy is a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.

That makes sense. Who hasn’t been discontented over someone else’s life at one time or the other? Envy is a tough vice to overcome. Just this week, I heard that a friend of mine had won a big award for her novel. And deep down, I’m so happy for her. But the first thought that jumped into my mind was “I read her book. I don’t think it was better than mine. Why didn’t I win?”

Ouch. That’s envy showing its ugly face in my thoughts. My next thought was “Okay, now how am I going to deal with this?”

How do you deal with envy? Do you stuff it deep inside, praying it won’t surface? Do you talk to three people about why it isn’t fair? Do you whine? Whining is what I tend to do. But I want to change, don’t you?

Jeff Walling uses the example of envying others' gifts. He says: “God gives his gifts in the way he chooses. While I must never close the door of my heart to what God may wish to provide, I cannot spend my spiritual life trying to attain what someone else seems to have.”

I didn’t win that particular award. But that doesn’t mean I won’t someday. And if I spend my life trying to win that award instead of following the direction that God is leading me in, I’ll miss his purpose for my life. And that would be beyond sad.

Walling goes on to say: “Keep your eyes on the One who deserves your attention, and keep your attention from the ones who don’t need your scorn. You will be helping their dance by honoring the freedom that Jesus died to give them. And you’ll be aiding your own dance…”

How do we stop envy in its tracks?

Get close to God and find out what His plan is for your life. Then focus your energy in that direction.
When the temptation to compare yourself to others attacks you, focus on what God has already done in your life. Remind yourself that you are an individual in His eyes.
When envy is difficult to overcome, purposely bless the person you are envious of. A kind word, a card, a note of congratulations, or a job well done. We do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
If you’re still struggling, make a list of the many ways God has blessed you and the gifts and blessings He has bestowed on you. Gratitude can stomp out envy.

There is still a part of me that wishes I could have won. Or placed higher than I did. I realize that is my flesh and for the rest of my life, it has to be put in its place. But I have God on my side, helping me in every way. I have only to ask…

Let’s pray: Father God, we love You so much and the blessings You’ve bestowed on us but we still struggle with envy. The grass looks greener on the other side, but it's not on our side. Help us to be grateful for where You have placed us and the gifts and talents we have. We want to focus on Your plan for us and not compare ourselves to others. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

Envy will always be around, but we can overcome it with the help of our heavenly Father.
Today’s featured author is Lane Jordan, author of Evangeline, a historical romance novel.

Take the beautiful, biblical story of Esther, change the lead character’s race from Jewish to biracial, place the location in New York City during the 1960’s era of turmoil at the time of the civil rights movement, and you have a modern-day parallel to the story of Esther. King and Evie beautifully portray this timeless tale of romance and righteousness in action.
