Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S3 Episode 3 Our Security in Father God

March 14, 2023

Welcome my friends to season 3 of the Determined to Dance podcast. My prayer is that you’ll be encouraged to persevere daily in our chaotic world. Today’s episode, Our Security in Father God, focuses on the only One who can keep us safely on the dance floor of life.

Show Notes: Our Security in Father God

Security. Safety. Certainty.

Words that can sound flat in our world filled with chaos: wars, pandemics, natural disasters, and lawlessness spiraling out of control. Is it even possible to feel a little safe when we leave our homes?

I live in a farming community in rural Alabama. You would think we sit around on the front porch swing singing Amazing Grace and sipping lemonade all the live long day. And while there is much good around me and I love where God has planted me, bad things happen, even here. In the last year, our small county has dealt with more than one shooting, missing persons, lockdowns in the schools, flooding, tornado damage, and drug and alcohol abuse.

And when I hear of people being shot at Walmart, in their cars, or in schools or churches around our country, I experience a tug of fear. I go buy groceries, see my children leave for work, and my grandchildren board the school bus and wonder how has our country drifted so far from its roots. Is there a way to combat the fear?

It’s time to turn to God’s Word. Psalm 139: 7-10 says: “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” NIV

Jeff Walling quotes this verse and then goes on to say: “ … David finds a wonderfully comforting truth: The same God who knows everything and is everywhere will hold me and guide me, no matter where I am. ‘Your right hand will hold me fast.’ How good it is to know that we are never far away from his guiding hand.”

When fear strikes me the hardest, I can simply call out to God and receive His comfort. I can turn to passages like this in His Word and know that I cannot get away from God, even if I wanted to. He is guiding me, holding me, safely and lovingly in His arms.

What a wonderful truth. But what about the times when I don’t particularly want to go in the way He is guiding me? I tend to look for the easy road. I want to do my easiest chores first, and never do anything difficult. My biggest whining over the years has been: “I can’t do that. It’s too hard.”

But God loves me so much. He knows if I only do easy, I’ll never learn, grow, and stretch. I’ll never realize the potential He’s given me to love, encourage, and help those around me. Be the best me I can be. So, He reaches out His hand and though it looks totally terrifying, I take one step, then another, and suddenly I’m dancing on top of the waves, amazed at what God is doing for and through me. Because He loves me so much.

And it is satisfying. Whether it’s having children, taking a new position at work, writing a novel, finishing school, or planning your retirement, new steps are hard to take. But what rewards wait for us when we let God whirl and twirl us around the dance floor.

My writing life had all but creaked to a halt by the end of 2022. I’d about given up. While I love what I do, the past five years have been hard.

I released my debut novel right before the pandemic.
My publisher then sold to another publisher.
Two different books I’d written afterward received positive, but numerous rejections.

I’d hit the ceiling, so it seemed, and I couldn’t make headway. I doubted myself. Couldn’t make decisions on what to do next. Floundered, whined, then stepped out again. Door after door closed. Was it the end?

I sat one day and poured my heart to God. Asked if there was something I needed to do instead of writing. Was this season in my life over? Already?
