Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S3 Episode 2 Learning to Let Go

March 07, 2023

Welcome my friends to season 3 of the Determined to Dance podcast. My prayer is that you’ll be encouraged to persevere daily in our chaotic world. Today’s episode, Learning to Let Go, focuses on the fear that says we always need to be in control.

Show notes: Learning to Let Go

How many of y’all like things to go your way? Like to row your ducks? A place for everything and everything in its place. You know, the job, the spouse, kids, grandkids, church. And let’s not forget the house, neighborhood, and school. So many that need our help—uh—advice—our control?

I’m raising my hand. I sure would like for God to ask me at the beginning of each day about my plans and how he could help them come to pass. But it doesn’t quite work that way. I mean, where would find the faith that we need to please God if it’s all up to us?

“But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 NKJV

We are back to believing that He is God and big enough to handle our lives and that we are to be seeking, not taking the lead. Ouch. Again, I repent and give it all to Him. Often, several times a day.

Here’s our episode two quote from Jeff Walling. “Dancing with God is allowing him to take our breath away as he whirls us through the dark and light places that life leads us. It is relaxing into his embrace and trusting fully in his strong arms. It is releasing the power of the Spirit within us to give us joy beyond measure. It is reveling in the unexpected and celebrating the divine surprise that is each new day. It is rejoicing out loud at the grace and beauty God provides and ignoring the calls of the crowd to sit down and quit grinning. But above all else, dancing with God is learning to let go.”

Why do I even want to be in control? Usually, because I feel afraid. Sometimes, because I feel guilty or ashamed for something I’ve done or didn’t do. There are days when I’m afraid and guilty for sins I’ve committed and things I didn’t do all wrapped up in one.

Not what Jesus went to the cross and died for—this state of mind where my focus is once again on me, me, me. A couple of weeks ago, I had one of those days. I needed to cancel a family member’s minor surgery and reschedule it again. Mainly, because I’d come down with Covid and they’d been around me. So, we had guilt right off the bat. I waited for the nurse to call me back but she didn’t.

Fear instantly attacked. What did I even say to them in my feverish condition? Did they not understand me and go ahead and set up for surgery because of my botched-up state of mind? Fear, guilt, and all kind of junk piled on me. I wish I could say that I stopped it right then, called on the name of Jesus and the power of the blood, and went on my way singing Onward, Christian Soldiers.

That probably would have been the right thing to do but instead, I wallowed in self-pity for a few days, then finally stopped what was going on. God knew I tried to do right and I had to believe that he was in control. If I messed up, I’d apologize to whoever I could and try to make it right. But ultimately I needed to leave it in the hands of a mighty, caring Father who has my back. And yours.

So, remember:

Give your life, and your control to God, the only One who can truly make it right.
Give your fears to God and watch Him turn them into faith.
Give your guilt/shame to God and hear His sweet whispers of forgiveness.

I find it much easier to dance when I’m not juggling the suitcases of fear, control, guilt, and shame. Grabbing hold instead of grace, love, peace, and faith makes more sense and is a much lighter load.

Let’s pray: Father God, we come to you with overfilled hands, minds, and hearts. We can’t bear the heavy burden of control that we lay on our own lives. Take it all, Father. The good, the bad, the sin, the joy, everything we hold dear, and much more.
