Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S2 Episode 40 Daring to Dance with God

November 29, 2022

Welcome to season 2 of the Determined to Dance podcast. I pray that you’ll be uplifted, encouraged, and will move forward each and every day. Today’s episode, Daring to Dance with God, focuses on season three and what happens when the dance and ministry join hands.

Remember: Daring to Dance with God

Twenty-five or so years ago, a guy at church handed me a book. “I think you need to read this,” he said. That book was Max Lucado’s When God Whispers Your Name. I devoured every page, totally unaware that there was such a thing as Christian non-fiction books. For the next ten years, I read little fiction, my reading confined to the Bible and books by authors like Max Lucado, Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, Tommy Tenney, Jack Hayford, Stormie Omartian, and Jeff Walling. Jeff Walling? You may ask. Who is that?

He is a motivational and inspirational speaker and former pastor. He wrote three books, from what I can tell. And one changed my life. Daring to Dance with God. Honestly, all the books I read over that ten-year period were like pieces of the puzzle slowly fitting together to point me more toward who I was and the purpose and plan that God had for me. But, in my early thirties, dancing with God was something I’d never heard of. Never considered. Wondered if it were even possible.

And slowly. One pirouette. One twirl. One faulty step and tumble on the dance floor followed by a flawless plie’ followed by me whining to God about why in the world I ever thought I could dance. How could I flow and enjoy something so difficult at times as dancing?

But Father God didn’t give up on me. He still doesn’t.

On the very first episode of this podcast (which is a dance all by itself) I shared the initial analogy that brought me to this point:

“I’ll never forget the day that the thought, the God-nudge flooded my mind in that deep, quiet part within. God whispered that I had marched for Him and that was good but now he wanted me to dance with him instead.

That analogy meant so much to me. I wept, then trembled with fear. It was one thing to march. If you’ve ever watched a high school band at a football game, you’ll notice a set pattern. They’ve perfected their routine before the game. And practiced as often as they could. Got the steps down pat. Totally prepared.

Like I tended to be.

But dancing, the kind I knew God was talking about, would be very different. I was being asked to join and not take the lead. I wouldn’t know exactly where on the dance floor I might end up. Maybe a quiet corner, or in a group of other dancers, or even in the center of the room, drawing every eye to us.

As the orchestra played in the background, it would change and so would the dance. A fiery tango. A beautiful waltz. The Macarena? Even line dancing wouldn’t be out of the question.

Some parts would remain the same. I would still need the determination, the perseverance I’d learned over my years of marching for God.

But it wouldn’t be the determination to follow the patterns and stay in perfect line and timing. Instead, it would be the determination to surrender to God’s will.

Every time. Like writing a novel. Starting a podcast. Obedient, step by step.

I would follow God’s dance, his lead, his music, and go to the part of the dance floor where He led.”

Dancing with God, following His will and way spontaneously, without thought for what others think hasn’t been easy. But it has been the best decision I ever made next to asking Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.

I hope to take the next step in season three. For myself and for you, the listener. I plan to challenge us both to a deeper relationship with God, more chances to make a difference in the lives of others, and more joy.

Who couldn’t use more joy in our chaotic world?

In the words of Walling, “He (God) demands that we open ourselves to the unexpected, the unpredictable, and even the unexplainable. The Bible is full of instances where God chose to work in ou...