Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S2 Episode 13: Daily Prayer

May 24, 2022

Welcome to season 2 of the Determined to Dance podcast. I pray that you’ll be uplifted, encouraged, and will move forward each and every day. Today’s episode, Daily Prayer, focuses on why talking to God every day is in our best interest.

Show Notes: Daily Prayer

When I first considered a new topic after the Prayerful Situations series, the thought of daily prayer came to me. But then I almost changed my mind. I mean, I don’t sit down every day at the same spot or prayer closet and pour out my heart to God for a certain length of time. For me, there’s no preconceived place, time, or method. Maybe I should just let somebody more qualified tackle this topic.

But what is prayer again? Talking to God. And I do speak with Him every day, throughout my day. In the morning, I read a devotional, usually from my You Version Bible app or a devotional book. I ponder what I’ve read and express my thoughts to God. If I’m on social media or watching the news, I lift people, countries, and situations to the Father. When I’m driving, I often chat with God about my family and friends and their needs. During the day, I might feel conviction over a wrong thought or action and ask for forgiveness. Often, I ask for peace in the midst of the hustle and bustle of my day. So many different ways and times but all feel like I’m dancing on the ballroom floor, having a heart-to-heart with my dance partner.

For five episodes we’ll discuss daily prayer in-depth and cover why praying daily is in our best interest:

God asks us to and gave His Son as an example.
God listens when we pray for ourselves and others.
God forgives when we confess sin.
God enjoys our thanksgiving and worship.
God relieves our stress by giving us peace of mind.

Prayer is a privilege. Our relationship with God is strengthened as we communicate together. On July 3rd, my husband and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary. I’m absolutely amazed that two people as different as we are have survived and actually thrived after all this time. We often finish each other’s thoughts. We still argue and disagree at times but one thing that has helped us stay together is daily communication. I don’t think a day goes by when we don’t talk to each other in person, by phone, or by text. In the crazy busyness of an average day, we still try to find time to discuss ideas, exchange our schedules, and share any worries that might be dragging us down.

Why would we think God wouldn’t want the same? Romans 12: 9-13 is a great passage admonishing us to behave like Christians. Verse 12 says, “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer…” We are to be continual and steadfast in prayer. Jesus was constantly in contact with His Father and only following where His Father led Him. John 5:19 states, “Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.”

The only way Jesus could do nothing of Himself was to be in constant communication with God. And He was. We see Jesus rising early in the morning to commune with God. We see Him praying in the garden. He often prayed out loud like at the tomb of Lazarus so that the people around could hear. And he taught the disciples the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6: 9-13 saying at one point, to give us this day our daily bread.

And do you know what the most awesome thing about God wanting us to pray daily is? It’s for us. God already knows what is in our hearts before we pray. So, even though He delights in our words like a parent delights in their children, our interactions with Him are mainly for us. We can talk, cry, rant, praise, thank, worship, chat, and sometimes sit quietly with the Creator of the universe.

What a wondrous God we serve. Suddenly, we realize that His commands are actually promises. Ones that protect and embrace and heal.