Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S2 Episode 7 Prayerful Situations: Money Problems

April 12, 2022

Welcome to season 2 of the Determined to Dance podcast. I pray that you’ll be uplifted, encouraged, and will move forward each and every day. Today’s episode, Prayerful Situations: Money Problems, looks at ways to pray when there are financial needs.

Show notes: Prayerful Situations: Money Problems

Money. If I had a dime for every time I prayed about a money situation, for me or others, I’d probably be debt-free. Few things can mess up our world like a shortage of money. Too much debt. Unwise spending. And even loaning to others too often. And how can you find enough joy to continue dancing when bills pile up in your mailbox?

Money. Early in our marriage, I prayed a lot about it. As a stay-at-home mom with two babies, I skimped and saved and sought ways to live on my husband’s income. Then we began to raise chickens, part-time work for me, and my husband found a better job. So, I never had to pray about money again.

I see those smiles, especially from those who know me best. We actually struggled more, for a while, and I couldn’t understand why my prayers weren’t answered. Then a solution tugged at my heart. Could it be unwise decisions were the problem and not a lack of money? Hmm. Could be. But let’s dig deeper. Here are a few points about money management:

We can’t spend more than we make. No matter how you try to tally it when your budget is unbalanced, you can’t manage your finances.
We might need to work more or get a different job. In our case, we began to raise chickens when our children grew out of the diaper stage as a supplement to our income.

Our problem wasn’t money. It was the mismanagement of what we made. My prayers shifted and I took steps to reverse our direction and set off on a new path. Jesus spoke wisdom in Luke 14:28-30 NKJV:

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it--lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish.'”

I needed to count the cost. Was my problem the lack of money or the fact that I didn’t think ahead? Then I needed to rework my prayers accordingly. And if the prayer is not for you, but for a friend or family member, it will work the same.

Prayerful focus:

Start by asking for an increase of faith for you or others. Search the word for passages on the vastness of God’s resources and His ability to save, both spiritually and financially. Pray believing God is able to order your life/other’s lives.

Then ask for you/others to gain wisdom and discernment regarding money. For eyes to open to the root of the problem, whether lack of money or mismanagement. To be able to make the right decisions and follow through. For wise investments.

Last, pray for confidence, courage, and commitment. If a new job is needed, the confidence to change. If the problem is overspending, the courage to say no and see the bigger picture. The ability to commit to a new lifestyle, one that will ease financial burdens and increase generosity.

For generosity is key. I believe it’s the cornerstone that we build financial independence on. Find ways to be generous. Start by praying for others' finances. Be generous with your time and give to your family, your church, and your community the gift of being there, lending a hand when needed. Give away what you don’t need. Give when it’s comfortable and when it isn’t. Tithe your resources.

God has gifted us everything we are and everything we own. Do you believe that? Remind yourself of this as you pray and it can transform your prayer life. So, remember to count the cost, pray in faith, and ask for wisdom, discernment, confidence, courage, and commitment when it comes to your finances or the finances of friends and family.

I still don’t do everything right when it comes to money. Sometimes I fret over issues but I’ve learned over the ...