Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

Episode 35: Ordinary Life~Lifted Over Obstacles

November 02, 2021

Welcome to the Determined to Dance podcast with your host, Jennifer Hallmark. Today’s episode, Ordinary Life: Lifted Over Obstacles, shows us how God will lift us over blockades through hope and faith in Him.

Are you ready? The world would have us march to its chaotic beat but God invites us to dance in His will and His way. Let’s take a moment to be energized, refreshed, and motivated to face the day, one spin and twirl at a time.

Show notes: Ordinary Life: Lifted Over Obstacles

God is big enough. Let that sink in for a moment. God is bigger than my problems, my worries, my fears, and all obstacles. He is greater, more majestic, and above all. He is God.

So why do I have so much trouble when it comes to surrendering? I’ll be honest. I didn’t realize that this episode would be about surrender. Two weeks ago, when I scribbled notes on episode 35, it was about God lifting us over blockades through faith and hope. Sounded good. I could relax and let Him work.


On Sunday, during the music portion of the service, we sang the song, “Sweetly Broken,” by Jeremy Camp. My favorite song by this artist. I’ll share the video at the end of the post on my blog. The end of the chorus says, sweetly broken, wholly surrendered.” Wholly surrendered.

Hmm. Something I haven’t done lately. When I hurt my shoulder, my thought was to push through and ignore the pain. I could get in forty episodes and end the podcast season, add all my blog posts, and catch up on everything. Maybe even work some on my new novel.

When the worship team started the chorus of the song, I realized I hadn’t surrendered to what God wanted. He’d whispered to my heart, even before my diagnosis, that I needed rest. I was too stretched out, too weary, just too much going on. I thought He meant after I worked my plan and got all my ducks in a row.

I mean, I am a planner and don’t like change. Remember, God?

He remembered. And during that song, mentioned rest again. I lifted my hands in surrender and repented. His plan is better and if He says rest, He can hold onto everything until I’m able to function normally again.

What does this mean? Well, to start with, episode 35 will end my first season. I’m planning on being back in February. Taking three months to heal will be tough on that driven part of me but very needful. I hope you all will join me then for the second season of Determined to Dance, where we’ll begin with communicating with God. Prayer. We can’t dance if we don’t listen to our All-Mighty dance partner.

We’ll discuss topics like:

Types of prayers.
Ways to pray.
Ways to listen.
Praying with others.
Intercessory prayers.

And lots more. I plan to spend a season on this topic so vital to the times we live in. I hope you’ll join me. One more thing. Is there something God is laying on your heart that you need to surrender? A loved one, job, hobby, an attitude, or maybe like me, you are trying to push through when God is saying slow down. We can trust God through hope and with faith.

Let’s pray: Father God, we love you so much and trust you with our lives. You are big enough and we believe. Help our unbelief. We surrender everything to You today and place it all in your loving hands. You are enough. And if You are enough, then we are enough. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

I know, in the long run, surrender will work for my good. Yours too. Until February. Stay determined to dance.
My website

My debut novel, Jessie’s Hope

Remember: Ordinary Life: Lifted Over Obstacles
Video of the week:
I absolutely love music and each week I’d like to share a relevant song we can enjoy together.