Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

Episode 34: Ordinary Life~Praying Through Obstacles

October 26, 2021

Welcome to the Determined to Dance podcast with your host, Jennifer Hallmark. Today’s episode, Ordinary Life: Praying Through Obstacles, focuses on how time spent in prayer, both talking to and listening to God, is imperative when obstacles block our way.

Are you ready? The world would have us march to its chaotic beat but God invites us to dance in His will and His way. Let’s take a moment to be energized, refreshed, and motivated to face the day, one spin and twirl at a time.

Show notes: Ordinary Life: Praying Through Obstacles

Recently, I read an article at that encouraged me. Praying Through Your Problems by Bob Hostetler. He reminded me of that old-time expression. Stay at the altar until you pray through. Until you feel released to move forward. Until the peace of God envelops you and you know that no matter the outcome, God’s got this.

Not a regimented routine. If I’m dancing, I want to become one with my dance partner. I know the way they move and twirl and even stop, by spending time with them. Sure, I can study the dance and practice over and over and do okay. But if I understand the person, I’ll always dance better.

The same is true about praying through. It’s not praying the same words over and over. It’s spending time with God, talking AND listening, reading His word, listening for His very heartbeat as we pour out our requests to Him.

Perseverance. It’s not letting go. Jacob learned this when he wrestled with God until daybreak (Genesis 32). He’d cheated and taken shortcuts; never fully hearing God out. But this night, he stuck with it. He decided to hold on for dear life and listen, then put in his request for a blessing. He received a name change and a new direction, even though he was left with a limp.

Praying through will cost you and it’s always important to count the cost.

It can be days, months, even years of seeking God. I prayed two specific prayers off and on for three years. This past May, I felt God say to trust Him with these requests of my heart. Now, when I see something that worries me regarding the request, I go back to that day where I journaled and know that I prayed through.
To pray through, you have to empty yourself. Like David in the Psalms, you’ll need to be totally honest with God. Express your sadness, anger, disappointment, and any other emotion that goes with your prayers. You have to give it to God by being transparent.
Your belief. Many times, we need to pray through because we really don’t know God in a specific area and what His word says. Faith comes through hearing His word so we’ll need to immerse ourselves in the promises in the Bible until they take root in our hearts.

This is an important time to remember. Fear has tried to grab hold of me as I contemplate surgery. Again. I mean, I just had ankle surgery in December of 2020. My recovery then was slower than I hoped and my patience ran thin.

But I did get through it. And saw the faithfulness of God again in so many ways. I was comforted so I could comfort others. I learned to write short articles in the waiting rooms. I read several writing craft books that are helping me today.

God was faithful then and He’ll be faithful now. I’ll continue to pour out my needs during this season and I’ll listen intently, writing words and phrases and direction as it comes.

I’ll pray through. God is everything I need. He is enough, even when larger-than-life obstacles block my way. Let’s pray:

Father God, we come to You today with our focus on You. Thank You for letting me pour out my requests. Help me to hear each word You say by being still and leaning close. Your presence is all I need as I pray through to Your heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

It’s time to pray through our problems and know that God has never left the throne. Next week, we’ll look at the way God lifts us over obstacles as we release them to Him. Until then, stay determined to dance.