Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

Episode 24: Perseverance~Endurance Vs. Compliance

August 17, 2021

Welcome to the Determined to Dance podcast with your host, Jennifer Hallmark. Today’s episode, Perseverance: Endurance Vs. Compliance looks at the difference between the two polar opposites and how to move toward enduring and away from complying.

Are you ready? The world would have us march to its chaotic beat but God invites us to dance in His will and His way. Let’s take a moment to be energized, refreshed, and motivated to face the day, one spin and twirl at a time.

Show notes: Perseverance: Endurance Vs. Compliance

I’m tired. It’s been a long summer after a longer pandemic. About two months ago, it all caught up with me. The stress from an upside-down 2020, added to my personal bout of COVID and ankle surgery. Throughout the summer, I’ve struggled to keep up. To move forward. To endure.

Or has it really been endurance lately? Somehow, some time ago, I moved into compliance. Here’s a quick definition. Compliance is the act of complying with a command, desire, or rule. Mainly, it was rules. When overwhelmed, follow the ruts. It’s easier that way.

And honestly, I don’t think that’s always a bad thing. All of us have dealt with some form of survival mode over the past 18 or so months. Whether it’s been finding food or supplies, having your job suddenly change, or fighting sickness in your own body, we’ve worked hard to survive and be flexible.

I have also. The rules have helped, given me structure when I lost all control. But now it’s time. For me, and maybe for you. I’d begun to march again and realize that sometimes it’s what I must do. But dancing, flowing with our heavenly Father, in day-to-day living, is where I want to be.

I’ve lost it. I want to get back on the dance floor.

So, it’s time to stop complying and endure.


Let me explain. It’s time to stand firm in the midst of the chaotic and not give in. And I’ve been tempted to quit.


To retreat under the covers with my cellphone and an endless supply of coffee. I mean, it’s so hard being a human on planet earth right now. Okay, enough whining. Let’s look at God’s word:

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” - 1 Corinthians 10:13

I’ve been tempted and it’s a normal thing. I need to remember that God is faithful and that He’s the Waymaker.

My God provides. One of his names is Jehovah Jireh, The Lord will provide. I need to take a moment to be still, access my needs, then ask for provision.
He understands. Jesus lived like us and He gets us. Stands ready to pour out comfort and peace beyond our ability to comprehend.
He gives rest. Jesus urges us, those who labor and are heavy-laden, to come to Him. Wow. That so describes me lately. I need to take His yoke for it is easy and His burden is light.

That’s where I lost it, I think. I’ve been calling out to the Provider and know that He understands. But I’ve felt very behind after everything that has happened and I’m trying so hard to catch up. My writing, my house, my yard, my ministry. It overwhelms me. I know I’ve moved back into my own strength and it’s not working. Looks like it’s time to rest and endure. Once again.

Let’s pray: Father God, I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to live in my own strength and have failed. Now I’m tired, weary, and still behind. But You say that there is a plan and purpose for me. A road for me to walk. I just need to take Your hand and let you lead me once again. I’ll work and rest according to your direction. Help me endure today. Help us all. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

We can stand firm and not give in. But we need one more thing if we’re to persevere: Hope. Come back next week as we wrap up this series. Until then, stay determined to dance.
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My debut novel, Jessie’s Hope

Jehovah Jireh scripture