Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S1 Episode 2: Nothing is Impossible

March 09, 2021

Welcome to the Determined to Dance podcast with your host, Jennifer Hallmark. The world would have us march to its chaotic beat but God invites us to dance in His will and His way. Let’s take a moment to be energized, refreshed, and motivated to face the day, one spin and twirl at a time. Today's episode, "Nothing is Impossible" looks at the dreams we have and what God thinks about them.
When we dance with God, we are letting Him lead, surrendered to His will. But He puts dreams in our hearts, desires that He longs to make happen. And when we take his hand and say yes, He can fulfill them in ways we never imagined.

Show notes: Nothing is Impossible

March 2nd was the beginning of a special day, the launch of the “Determined to Dance” podcast. But it was much more than that. Twenty years ago, on January 17th, I made a list of dreams for the future and titled it My Top Ten Dreams. The list stretched my imagination to the moon. Some items seemed unattainable back in 2001. Like going to Alaska to visit my brother or publishing a novel. But God made a way. My husband and I were able to go to my niece’s wedding in 2016. Alaska is an amazing place to see and celebrating with my brother and his family made it extra special. Also, God placed a story within me in 2009, and in June of 2019, my debut novel, Jessie’s Hope, was published.

I stand amazed at what God has done with my simple dreams, ones I believe He birthed in my heart.

On my list of dreams, I wrote that I’d like to speak all around the world to groups of women. But doors never opened. Not even local doors. I knew God had plans and purposes for me anyway so I kept stepping through doors that did open and trying to do my best for Him

I was well into 2020 and planning my podcast when God brought that list back to my mind. I found it tucked away in a drawer in my computer desk. Seven of the items were already circled. I realized He was about to answer number eight. What an unbelievably mighty God we serve. Another reminder that nothing is impossible with Him. At the same time, He pointed out that number nine is halfway fulfilled also. Joy flooded my heart

Who would’ve thought an ex-chicken farmer from Alabama could see a dream of ministering to women come true without leaving the house? The thought that my words could encourage someone halfway around the world almost rendered me speechless. When I surrendered my will and followed His, I found His way was the best way.

A way I could’ve never imagined. Did you know that Adam Curry and Dave Winer are credited with the invention of podcasting?

In 2004.

Three years after God had started setting His plan for me in place. Wow. He can do the same for you. Remember these three things.

Place your dreams in his hand. Proverbs 16:3 in NIV says Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. We step out in faith as we hear His voice and entrust our lives to God. In His timing, He’ll establish them and we’ll be amazed.
Remember that the road to your dreams is a process. We don’t usually jump from A to G. God builds our path step by step and we learn valuable lessons on each step. Several years ago, I tried my hand at YouTube videos. They didn’t work out and my initial thought was that my time was wasted. But the lessons I learned in editing videos then helped me edit podcast episodes. I’d already learned that part, leaving me one less thing to conquer.
When your dream comes to fruition, don’t hold back. I have to admit that the thought of a weekly podcast scared me beyond reason. But when I take a moment to step back and breathe, I remember that God initially placed his dreams in my heart. And if He begins something, he will see it through to the end.

And God is no respecter of persons so He wants to bring your dreams forth too. Are you ready?

Let’s pray.

Father God, thank you so much for planting dreams in our hearts, desires that you long to bring to pass.