Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S3 Episode 21 The Dance of Trust

July 18, 2023

Welcome my friends to season 3 of the Determined to Dance podcast. My prayer is that you’ll be encouraged to persevere daily in our chaotic world. Today’s episode, The Dance of Trust, focuses on the secret of dancing in the dark.

Show Notes: The Dance of Trust

Have you ever struggled to trust people? I have. People are very human and sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose, they lie, manipulate, scheme, and we are left broken, afraid to trust again. As a child, another kid I hoped was nice teased me for crying during my first day at a new school. As a teenager, a pastor told me to join his church if I wanted to see my dad healed. And as an adult, I’ve met people in the community, school, family, and church who were not who they pretended to be.

It left me jaded. Bewildered. And most of all, afraid to trust anyone again. I believe you totally understand where I’m coming from. Some of you listening are nodding your heads, an image conjured in your mind of untrustworthy people.

How can we trust in a world with crooked politicians, business leaders, and even church leaders and people in education who go astray? What does God say?

John 2:23-25: “Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people. No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart.” NLT

Jesus knew all about people. Some might be evil, but many were probably just weak, shy, nervous, or busy. Just like us. Jesus still loved people. But He put His faith in God, not those around Him.

Here are three verses I love to read when I have trust issues.

Psalm 56:3: “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.” NKJV
Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” NKJV
Isaiah 26:3: You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.” NKJV

God says don’t fear or be dismayed. He will strengthen, help, keep, and uphold. In other words, we can trust Him. It’s found again and again throughout the word of God. God is trustworthy.

So, what can we do to twirl and whirl with God, trusting Him with everything in our lives?

Spend time with God in prayer. We learn to trust as we draw closer to Him.
Spend time in God’s Word. We study and learn what a mighty God He is.
Surrender our will to Him. We follow Him, who knows us best.
Remember the ways God has shown up when we needed him.
Find wise counsel when you struggle. A trustworthy friend or family member is worth more than gold.

Understand now that there will be struggles. People have disappointed me before and it will probably happen again. My focus is to love people the best I can, separate from those who have violated trust and are not repentant, and find wisdom and discernment through prayer, the Word, and honorable people who love the Lord.

We must make sure to take time and heal after trust has been broken. Many relationships can be mended if the other person is willing to change. We should seek any fault we may have ourselves so the relationship will be whole and fulfilling to both parties.

We’ll never find a perfectly trustworthy person on this earth, but Jesus lived a sinless life and is ever interceding for us in heaven. The Holy Spirit resides in us and can help us avoid unfaithful people if we seek His wisdom.

Let’s pray: Father God, we come to You today and thank You for being a trustworthy God. We’ve been hurt and disillusioned by unreliable people and need your healing touch in our lives. Show us our faults so we can repent and move on. Thank you for Jesus who prays for us daily and the Holy Spirit who helps us along life’s paths. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

People can disappoint us, but God is always there,
