Determined to Dance Podcast

Determined to Dance Podcast

S3 Episode 20 The Storms of Life

July 11, 2023

Welcome my friends to season 3 of the Determined to Dance podcast. My prayer is that you’ll be encouraged to persevere daily in our chaotic world. Today’s episode, The Storms of Life, looks at times when our world falls apart.

Show Notes: The Storms of Life

Life is tough. Bad things do happen to good people. You know it and so do I. And I believe the storms of life are hardest to take when they immediately follow a good season. You know, when everything is going right, the grass is greener on your side of the fence, and dreams are being realized right and left. You’ve fought the good fight and won.

In his book Pursuing the Will of God, Jack Hayford said: “Spiritual warfare will culminate in victory when we war in the will of God. But you will always find that after the victory there will be another subtle approach of the enemy—in a very different sort of attack…while we’re wrapping up with our victory lap, waving at the cheering crowds, the serpent slithers in again from a totally unexpected angle. While we’re celebrating and feeling good about the outcome of the great battle, the enemy immediately sets to work contriving another—and usually very different—sort of trap. It’s oh-too-easy to fall flat on our faces right after we have won a victory and our face is aglow with joy.”

This is oh-so-true. And at times I find myself in the middle of enjoying life waiting for the other shoe to drop. I mean, life is good, calm, and peaceful. Instead of relaxing and building up myself in the Lord, I’m worrying. Anxious. Stressed.

No wonder God says that sufficient for today is its own trouble. Why can’t I believe that?

Maybe because:

I trust in my ability to control my life. I find it hard to hand over the reins of life to God.
I’m afraid if I don’t handle it, who will? I mean, God’s busy, right?
I believe in the lies of the enemy instead of the word of God.

Now I’m really depressed. How can I change?

I can start by admitting my pride, and my need to control. It’s a daily battle, but one I must fight if I'm to stop the anxiety. I can then hand my fear to God. Let faith answer when fear knocks. God is interested in every facet of my life, no matter how small. And get into God’s word. The word is the sword and how can I fight lies if I don’t know the truth?

Jeff Walling says: “…He calls out to the Lord. And God’s response is shocking in its consistency…He just does what God does best—he loves him forever…Like Jesus on the boat with his disciples, God stills the waves and brings peace.”

I still struggle when the storms hit, especially when I don’t see them coming. But I'm learning more and more to turn to God and watch him meet my needs.

Let’s pray: Father God, we love You and need You every day, especially when we are facing storms in our lives. Help us to remember to turn to you and not get caught up in pride, fear, and deception. You are our only hope. Thank you that you can handle every problem that comes our way. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

Today’s featured authors, Deb, and Bruce Potts, wrote Love on Life Support, a second-chance romance. Chris and Amy’s on-again, off-again faith leaves them unprepared when the unthinkable happens. As calamity topples their world, Chris and Amy struggle to deal with the greatest trial of their marriage. Learn more at

Next week, we’ll discuss how to whirl and twirl like a child. Until then, stay determined to dance…

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