Design Now

Design Now

Design Now Podcast, Episode 1: How designers are tackling climate change with restoration ecology, food sovereignty, and sewage

December 01, 2021

In the inaugural episode of this Harvard GSD podcast we hear from people working in and around the school about the existential threat posed by climate change. Discover the surprising potential of irrigating agricultural land with sewage, and hear alternating perspectives on critical next steps: the imperative of food sovereignty, the need for self-sufficient cities, and “restoration ecology” schemes that begin right on Harvard’s doorstep. 

Featuring: Seth Denizen, Martha Schwartz, Adriana David, David Moreno Mateos, Montserrat Bonvehi Rosich


DISCLAIMER: This episode was recorded in April, 2021. The guests’ titles and their affiliation to the school were accurate at the time of recording.

Show Notes


The show is produced by Maggie Janik and hosted by Harriet Fitch Little. For inquiries or to be featured on an upcoming episode, email