Latest Episodes
TOOL with Bryan C and Peter
Forty six and pod. Bryan C, Peter, and Justin are talking about TOOL.Learn Em and Love Em People.Please consider pledging to ourPatreon.If you wanna play sign up.Listen to the playlis
Cave In with Josh, Andrew, and John F
Podbearer. Josh, Andrew, John F, and Justin are talking about Cave In.Learn Em and Love Em People.Please consider pledging to ourPatreon.If you wanna play sign up.Listen to the playli
Pinhead Gunpowder with John F and David
Beastly pod. John F, David, and Justin are talking about Pinhead Gunpowder.Learn Em and Love Em People.Please consider pledging to ourPatreon.If you wanna play sign up.Listen to the playlist
Imagine Dragons with Jules, Lexi, and Chris O
On top of the pod. Jules, Lexi, Chris O, and Justin are talking about Imagine Dragons.Learn Em and Love Em People.Please consider pledging to our you wanna play
Big Star with Adam G, Gavin, and John F
Back of a Pod. Adam G, Gavin, John F and Justin are talking about Big Star.Learn Em and Love Em People.Please consider pledging to ourPatreon.If you wanna play sign up.Listen to the playli
Living Colour with Randy and Chris O
Pod of personality. Randy, Chris O, and Justin are talking about Living Colour.Learn Em and Love Em People.Please consider pledging to ourPatreon.If you wanna play sign up.Listen to the
Joy Division with Fredo, John F, and Curtis
Pod will tear us apart. Fredo, John F, Curtis, and Justin are talking about Joy Division.Learn Em and Love Em People..Please consider pledging to ourPatreon.If you wanna play sign up.Listen to t
Methyl Ethel with Josh and Jamie
Shadowpodding. Josh, Jamie, and Justin are talking about Methyl Ethel.Learn Em and Love Em People.Please consider pledging to ourPatreon.If you wanna play sign up.Listen to the playlist
Sebadoh with John F and Christian
The Freed pod. John F, Christian, and Justin are talking about Sebadoh.Learn Em and Love Em People.Please consider pledging to ourPatreon.If you wanna play sign up.Listen to the playlist
The Pogues with Mike P and Chris O
Fairypod of New York. Mike P, Chris, and Justin are talking about The Pogues.Learn Em and Love Em People.Please consider pledging to ourPatreon.If you wanna play sign up.Listen to the playlist